Nobody takes Rick up on the offer to take the Katherine Gorge cruise at too many Aussie dollars. We much prefer the exercise of the free walk and an opportunity to swim at yet another waterfall. It should take 45mins we are told which will leave us half an hour to swim before our meet time. Off we set, Amanda striding ahead, leading the way up the hill. Eventually, we reach the top of the cliff with fantastic views down the gorge, but no sign of the route to the waterfall. A big debate ensues and we split up to set off in search of the waterfall. But it is time to return to the meeting point before we find it and we finally arrive hot and sticky. We then wait another 20 mins for the group who did finally find the waterfall!
The roads are long and straight here in Australia but the distances we have to travel are much further than anything we have done before. Dusk is already upon us as we enter our stop for the night. The town of Daly Waters, origin of QANTAS airline (that’s the Queensland And Northern Territories Air Service to you ignoramuses out there, which, of course, I already knew!), landing spot of Amy Johnson, and WW2 air force landmark. It is also home to the famous Daly Waters pub and its grub. Population 25 (according to Lonely Planet) and we just doubled it. With pubs closing all over the UK due to lack of trade its hard to believe a pub in such a remote place with such a low local population and prices of £5 a pint can survive but inside the pub is lively and the food fantastic. Travellers passing through have left all sorts of mementoes to those following them. Bras, pants, flags, coins, notes, even a baby’s bib are pinned to the rafters and posts all around. The barman tells us they can have nearly 700 visitors a day.
The roads are long and straight here in Australia but the distances we have to travel are much further than anything we have done before. Dusk is already upon us as we enter our stop for the night. The town of Daly Waters, origin of QANTAS airline (that’s the Queensland And Northern Territories Air Service to you ignoramuses out there, which, of course, I already knew!), landing spot of Amy Johnson, and WW2 air force landmark. It is also home to the famous Daly Waters pub and its grub. Population 25 (according to Lonely Planet) and we just doubled it. With pubs closing all over the UK due to lack of trade its hard to believe a pub in such a remote place with such a low local population and prices of £5 a pint can survive but inside the pub is lively and the food fantastic. Travellers passing through have left all sorts of mementoes to those following them. Bras, pants, flags, coins, notes, even a baby’s bib are pinned to the rafters and posts all around. The barman tells us they can have nearly 700 visitors a day.